Sunday, April 03, 2011

Learning How to Watermark Photos

Finally!!! Today I found a very useful software to watermark my photos. For more than two years now since I have taken interest in photography, I haven't found good, free download software that can protect my photos from poachers. Like everyone else, I felt too comfortable posting all my photographs in facebook, until one day, I realized a 'friend' of mine in facebook downloaded some of my photos and published in his own 'album' without my permission. Isn't this weird? I think if you respect your friends, you could at least ask permission, give a brief message about using another person's photographs for something. That should be easy. But then again, some people could choose to do otherwise and be insensitive.

So, I guess to prevent all that from happening, from now on, I will post pics in the internet, whether in facebook, twitter, blogsites, etc with my watermark on them. I think this is the right way to do it, considering it is easy to steal someone's photographs over the internet, publish them as your own, and not acknowledge people.

So here I'm posting sample photos with my watermark on them to signal my new and possibly the correct approach to publishing photos and images anywhere on the net. I realized it wasn't that complicated, a real breeze actually!

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